Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tidal River Turns Into Giant Lake Once Again

Here is what high tide on our marsh looks like most of the time. You can see the lovely, narrow winding river and four of the stately firs that stand across from our house. But lately the high tides have burst forth in ways that have been nothing short of breath-taking, even including several alligators.

While I know it is rumored that alligators don't reside in Maine, my sister, Terry, and I have both seen them with our very own eyeballs. Just because they turned out to be made of driftwood instead of all those scales, claws, and razor-sharp teeth doesn't make them any less alligatorish.

Just see for yourself, simply look below, at the Great Blue Heron Pond photograph taken hours ago just for proof of reptilian visitors. In the right foreground you can clearly see an alligator of sorts with its jaws wide open. I hope the Quackson Five are well protected at this precarious time in their vulnerable little lives.