all is quiet out there, a steady rain falling, it looks really bleak and cold. kind of like it's taking the day off from being ravishing and fascinating, having a rest from all my scrutiny. so i am drawn deeper indoors today. i have many things to look at surrounding me with their beauty. one is a resting buddha. he is seated leaning his head on his hands which gracefully hug the top of his raised knee. this is a pose i had never seen until i came across it in a garden catalogue the year we agreed each of us would get only one Christmas present and it could be whatever you wanted, no exceptions. in my case once i encountered this statue of the buddha on the catalogue page it was crystal clear. i even asked marty to cut it out and frame it for me until christmas arrived.
my acupuncturist ellen had been encouraging me to rest more; i know all of my travels and work in new orleans worried her, with her understandable and appreciated focus on my energy and well-being. i went anyway as often as i could manage but this buddha has brought such ease and joy to my life, pulling me into its completely serene state with contentment and happiness abounding every time i look at it. i also love his long flat ear which takes up almost the whole side of his tilted head, and those long elegant fingers. tranquil and composed he resides on top of the small white dresser across from my bed next to the flowers dayle brought and sarah arranged. so i'm ok with with the marsh taking a break, it's cozy and snug in here.