the sun is shining and windows are open wide. the river is blue with several army green patches. when we were kids our mom bought us an army surplus tent and set it up on the beach at our cottage. it got extremely hot inside but my sister terry and i went in as much as we could stand, it was our fort on the shores of lake michigan. we strove to keep brother john out (am sorry for this now john but back then banning you and all others was part of its appeal) where we played for endless, boiling canvas smelling hours with our lennon sister paper dolls, fighting over who got to be janet but otherwise united in our exclusivity. marty and i are watching american idol for the first time this season; i wonder if little girls these days have crystal or didi, siobhan or paige paper dolls or "barbies"? the only thing i didn't like about the lennon sisters was that you had to watch the lawrence welk show to see them, and that was never cool, even then.
our best beloved friend dayle is here all the way from california and daughter sarah now in nyc comes tomorrow. sarah could be a stand up comic, few people make me laugh like she does. she used to direct a morning talk show where she had to rent elephants (Q: how do you find rental elephants? A: the internet) and host a water skiing squirrel, which is just as complicated and ridiculous as it sounds. we have been best friends since sarah was 2, and being with dayle is like having one of the ground notes back in our raga.