the sky is filling with darkening clouds which make the water, slowly departing, a silver mirror. the air is saturated and feels close, not quite a steam bath because it's warm not hot. while i was looking out, in a muggy haze, a great blue heron landed right under the windows. it picked its legs up, stepping carefully through the marsh grass and seemed interested in our little parrot theo who by then was loudly freaking out. the heron stopped for a moment to examine theo, then kept going. when it got to the water's edge, it exchanged a lengthy glance with marty and then, next thing we knew, it was gone.
when i began this post i was going to write about an uneventful day on the salt marsh, but just then the heron appeared. i'm afraid it may have been raiding our resident family of redwing blackbirds but must do some research and more observation and hope i'm mistaken. to be continued.