Monday, June 7, 2010

make way for ducklings

while my true love is under the weather, i'm pre-occupied, so was very happy when marty's close friend richard wrote of spring as it unfolds in boston for him and his spouse and colleague, sandra - so i have something to share. you would not believe the eloquent, charming, beautifully written notes i receive from friends about spring in their part of the world and things they notice and appreciate. i have eyes and ears all over the country. and all the while the marsh goes on its way, greening up and being gorgeous.

We moved our office two months ago, to a lovely old building across the street from the Public Garden. We were feeling like there was nothing outside of Central Square in our lives.

So - every day now we take the Red Line from Central Square to Charles/MGH. The train crosses the Longfellow Bridge; we get to look out at the river with sail boats and kayaks and views of Boston and Cambridge and already the day is better, just being near the water for a few moments. Then we walk up Charles Street to Beacon. Charles Street is lovely, with little stores, lots of people, lots of dogs (I don't know why), and unfortunately, very uneven brick paving.

Having navigated up to Beacon, we turn right into the Public Garden. As you know, every day there are little changes in the trees and the flowers — I am trying to take the time every day to attend to that. Beyond the trees and the pond and the flowers, there is the "Make Way for Ducklings" statue.

Since we moved in, almost every day there are one or more children sitting on the ducklings, parents with cameras in hand watching happily. Sometimes there are more children than ducklings. A few days ago I watched as an older sister (perhaps 9) arranged her two younger sisters and a large doll on three of the ducklings, and then she proudly sat on the mother duck and allowed her mother to take pictures.

love to you both, Richard