i know all about the food chain and am part of it myself but still the thrill of today's eagle was a bit diminished. foxy the female mallard hasn't been visible much the past few weeks so i've been hoping she's nesting. ronny her mate is out and about pretty much daily. last year only one of their ducklings, baby, survived. she's the one who eloped with elvis two months ago. all i'm saying is i can handle mother nature pretty well most of the time but i have my limits. no babies at all for ronny and foxy this year would be going too far and i'm not kidding here, ok? especially if devoured by a ghastly fisher.
i don't claim to be psychic and i don't feel intuitive about who the villain(s) is/are so i do realize i'll never find out. thus i'm left with being suspicious of all birds and animals of prey and around here there are many magnificent contenders as well as one appalling one. it's the greed factor i object to most. although only one duckling last year was pitiful, i guess i would settle for that now. or else. or else what? i have no bargaining power, which i am sickeningly familiar with. but still i throw down the gauntlet and chance to the wind. as st. vincent millay put it, "i know. but i do not approve. and i am not resigned."