Friday, May 28, 2010

glorificus vita

two days ago marty and francie our australian shepherd were on their early morning walk and across from the old grange building near the bridge, marty discovered two baby foxes playing in the driveway of his favorite house in the village, which has remained unoccupied for at least a year. itty bitty little guys, he holds his hands out, about the size of a cat not including the tail. leaping and chasing, scrambling and rolling around, biting and kicking, in complete silence. francie didn't even notice them. they frolicked for quite a while before they saw marty and dog, then disappeared in a flash.

i am so excited and so jealous! and then on their afternoon walk, he saw them again! this time with a parent who vanished instantly - but the babies kept right on going. he's named them kit and kaboodle. i made him promise to take the camera on future walks but so far he's forgotten. so i'm going to call him out here if he keeps forgetting - beware my sweet. the wrath of a thwarted baby fox lover knows no bounds.

today's marsh palette is brilliant greens and blues, gorgeous shapes and shadows. i saw ronny the mallard just now but no foxy. the little mallard family photo above is what i am picturing and praying for, putting foxy and duckling vibes out and about into marshdom. marty is hoping foxy's name wasn't prescient, me too. maria my beautiful-in-every-way nurse said an adult fox was crossing the road near the grange on her way here today. i like how my friends tell me about nearby sightings, and how so many of you dear peeps write to describe spring weather, flora and fauna from your homes and beloved places all over the country. news of burgeoning glorious life from virtually everywhere. thank you with all my heart.